Trusted Academic Editors
scientific research writing and publishing

MERS is a large network of top scientific reviewers, journal editors, researchers, and academic authors

MERS, LLC is a registered company in the United States with clients from around the world. MERS was established by US-based scholars, who hold Ph.D. degrees from top US universities, to provide researchers with scientific manuscript pre-submission peer-review and language editing services.

Our team of professional editors will help you significantly improve your scientific manuscripts by providing extensive academic language and expert-matter editing and actionable insights and recommendations. Our comprehensive services cover all aspects of scholarly manuscript writing and preparation, including language editing, journal formatting, journal selection, manuscript submission, and abstract writing, as well as reviewing the paper structure, methodology, data and statistical analysis, conclusions, references, cover letter, and response to reviewers. We also perform a free plagiarism check, among other supplementary services.

We always make sure that our editors are the best in their fields by applying strong criteria. These requirements and qualifications include (i) having a terminal degree in their area of specialization (in most cases, they need to hold a Ph.D. degree from a US-accredited university or its international equivalent), (ii) having strong publication records in high-impact peer-reviewed journals in their field (need to have at least 3 published papers as the corresponding author), (iii) having a strong research impact (e.g., having an h-index of 3 or higher), (iv) being a native-level English speaker and based in the US, and (v) having completed at least 50 peer reviews for high-impact journals and conferences in their fields. Our editors have accomplished extensive peer-review and editorial services for hundreds of scholarly journals and have helped many researchers publish their important research results.

Our network of highly specialized editors has significant expertise and strong research records in nearly any field. Most recently, we have reviewed research manuscripts in the broad fields of technology, engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geosciences, and health sciences, among others.

We have helped many researchers from undergraduate students to tenured university professors get their important research published in highly respected journals and conference proceedings. It does not matter whether this is your first manuscript to be submitted or the 100th one; our dedicated editors will ensure that they significantly improve the chances of having your research manuscript accepted for publishing.

Considering that we are highly confident in the quality of our language editing and technical peer-review services, we will review/rewrite your abstract for free. Order our services for your full manuscript only if you are 100% satisfied with the abstract. We do not stop there! We will keep helping you with all of your questions and concerns until your manuscript is accepted for publication. All of these additional supports and services are absolutely free!

Why Choose Us:

We recruit the best scientific and language editors to significantly improve your manuscripts. Our editors are based in the United States, have Ph.D. degrees from top US universities, and have on average 11 years of research, publication, and editorial experience with hundreds of high-impact scholarly journals.

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